Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are Penny Auctions Sites Dead?

Are penny auctions on its deathbed? Some have met the death rattle (, and their untimely demise might mean a few things for the online entertaiment industry. That the best ones with the huge bidder following will remain (,,,

Could Penny Auctions make a recovery?

Big Penny auction sites like went through the wringer and is now known as - They've come out bigger with a stronger offering of incentives for bidders such as Power Hour and discount coupons.

Penny Auctions will survive for a long time as long as there are people looking for a good time online. Penny bid sites just need to up their ante and offer better prizes and bid packages.

So what would the future of Penny Auctions look like? They could become a hybrid of a few things. Changes may play around the credits for single bids or the way the clock works. Like any form of online entertainment, Penny Auctions will evolve and survive.

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